
Enkel Bröllops klänning med klassisk lyx som du valt

Klassiska brud Bröllops klänning men Man Nin är inte aktuella, fortfarande vill du hitta din dröm brud bröllopsklänning? Fördelar som plötsligt kan du bygga val bröllops klänning är din Oh, vare sig det gäller traditionella eller moderna serier, lyx eller enkelhet och kan göra din ännu vackrare bröllopsdag.

Sexig midja. Vill ha lite sexig, vill behålla bröllopet en högtidlig atmosfär och en känsla av den heliga. Stora fluffiga bun och pull v-midja design som hjälper dig att utföra era önskemål, visar eleganta samtidigt, bakom en annan formatmall.
Alternativa Delta kort. Men ert förtroende är en retro Fan Er och Delta kort master mix konstruktion, typ av vad det också, fancy Delta kort Bröllops klänning absolut kan visa din personlighet.

Klassiker en punkt. Utformade för är att vara enkla, aldrig föråldrad Bröllops klänning till vackra Ponte swing ett klassiskt val. Noden design för en rad kjol bröllop klä waist hög, sträcker sig ner kurva effekten. Lös svansar passar i bjärt kontrast till den övre kroppen, betonar skönhet eleganta kurvor.
Extrema enkelhet. Du inte gillar komplexa natur och njuta av de enkla nöjena i livet, och sedan utforma enkla, dekorerad med juvel midja bälte Bröllops klänning är precis vad du behöver. Enkel och elegant styling av din personlighet är du shine vid bröllopet.

Böhmen vind. Dina drömmar på stranden eller i en trädgård bröllop blommor i full bloom, du strävar efter att måste vara lätta och eleganta Bröllops klänning stil. Denna hög midja fånga pleated chiffon Bröllops klänning med en lös avslappnade söta parabolantenn, det var din stil.

Mogna charm. Vill bli fokus för människor, känsla av blanka tyger är bra val. Övergripande kan känslan av mjuka linjer du visa en vacker kurva, med en vit päls sjalar, ökade fläkt av aristokratiska temperament och charm.


Har en vacker äktenskap av brud vackra bröst omvårdnad

Äta sunt
Livsmedel kombinera kan ge tillräckliga mängder kalcium i adekvat bröstet övningar, Hong Leong är effektivare för bröstcancer. Bör dricka mer mjölk. För att främja ungdomars Gynekomasti, kan äta mat som är rik på vitamin e, liksom nyttiga hormon Sekretion, exempelvis kål, blomkål, som solrosolja, majsolja och rapsolja. Vitamin b bidrar även hormonet syntes, förekommer den i hela korn, bönor, mjölk, nötkött och andra livsmedel.

Gör bröstet övningar
I pappersexcersis, ta lite tid varje dag, göra lämpliga bröstet kampanj inte bara att göra bröstet formen ser bättre. Viktigare är möjligheten att möjliggöra fri rörlighet för blod i bröstet, kan minska risken för bröstcancer sjukdom. Detta är särskilt viktigt för lång sikt arbete skrivbord honan.

Upprätthålla en rak rygg
Om man tittar på de vackra bröstet märker hur ska visas i all sin ära i Star i allmänhetens ögon de alltid sitta rakt kroppsställning. I själva verket inte bara det grundläggande kravet för Star manners och mödrar från teenage höstliga påminner oss om. Gå rakt bakåt, kommer att sprida trycket på ryggen så är lämpligt, också hjälpt bröst körtel vävnad, slappna av, effektivt långsammare bröst hänger ned.


Gold jewelry maintenance secrets and methods

Pure gold jewelry of the general issues and processing method according to the study, we found that the following factors will lead to pure gold jewelry a discolored, discoloration, or had black spots, and these problems are most often not enough to condition, in this case don't panic, just return the jewelry to clean jewelry.

Pure gold jewelry of the general issues and approaches
1: pure gold with other metals, chemical role: pure gold and silver jewelry is very easy, mercury, such as thermometers, thermometers, and other precious metals such as lead) with the pure chemistry, a white gold jewelry, but after a fire burned after evaporation spots will disappear when you wear, it is best to avoid coming into contact with such metals.
2: A general metal corrosion issues: environment in which we live there are 2 industrial emissions of sulfur dioxide, or other aggressive chemical substances, such as phosphate, these pollutants will direct erosion gold, metal alloy, the pure gold jewelry a small black spots, even if the jewelry collection is bound to be erosion, in this case you only need to return the jewelry jewelry can be cleaned up.
3: the gold itself, usually a soft texture to be careful wearing.
Maintenance of the precious metals
1: avoid wearing jewelry precious metals or heavy housework to do the work.
2: Avoid contact with mercury (Sai Kung: such as thermometers, thermometers, etc. ), metal such as lead.
3: Avoid contact with cosmetics, perfume, vinegar, fruit juices, bleach, correction fluid and lead, mercury, and other elements of the chemical.
4: the human body perspiration can erode precious metal jewelry, so you want to wear summer regular rinsing with clear water, dry with a dry towel.
5: a complex of precious metal jewelry, once damaged, repair, and it is difficult to restore the original. So it is important to treat it with care, especially in the face of a snake bone-hard links, links, and a super star, bad links, and so was unable to recover and 10 million do not drop-down, fold, and Remove, wash up, and pull on swimming, sleeping to avoid wearing.
6: Avoid precious metal jewelry and stacked with rubbing against each other, causing wear and impact gloss.

7: White gold, 18 gold K K 18 gold is pure gold with 750 per 1,000 live births, 250 other precious metal alloy jewelry, its hard to design the perfect style and unique color value of the jewelry, mainly in the process, the natural is a micro-yellow, if worn properly, can damage metal surface exposed to a natural, beautiful jewelry, the jewelry shop.

8: Because of the jewelry crafts require the State Technology Supervision Department allow the ear staple, hollow bracelets, brooches, as Chapter, tie clips, jewelry accessories for K ingredients.

9: silver jewelry with silver, S 925 silver in a larger collection wear and in the process, such as carbon dioxide is a chemical role, there will be yellow, black, and this is the reason why is normal, because jewelry with the oxygen in the air such as sulfur dioxide, and 2 of harmful gases; contact with human body perspiration; contact with acidic chemicals come into contact with the

phenomenon, and after cleaning to restore. Silver-plated white S 925 silver jewelry is based on the requirements in the craft on a precious metals (such as: nickel, Rh, etc. ) and in the process, the accidentally rub out of the way or with strong acid chemicals come into contact with would fall off, discoloration, black, and white-coated surface is very difficult to recover from behind, so be careful wearing and maintenance.


Choose the right wedding to be a temperament bride

Sexy European style
sense of the shoulders of the design of the lace-curtained feminine under 10 feet, and tighten the waist and the skirt is loose is the most classic wedding the contours of the yarn, the transparent sleeves add court nobility. The smooth lines spend stealing hands slim waisted dancers more drop-down long build.
It takes hands: best choice of the bouquets you is very important, not only will make your gorgeous, but it also decided on a wedding bouquets and other decorative style. bridal bouquets to dress in accordance with the style and shape of the bride to decide bröllopsklänning
Simple yet elegant atmosphere.
A minimalist silhouette with the elegance of the creases, is filled with elegant Art, bronzes at Merlion petticoats with perfect body shape, on the same simple pearl earrings and necklace, elegant feel with the most charming glory.
Style: According to the personality of your physique, temperament and to decide the wedding style, romantic, elegant and sexy.
Cute little bubble sleeves, high-waist skirt with beauty, and drag it to yarn, these extremely elegant design in the lace of the package for more elegant side graceful woman, she is the most suitable for small bridal, with simple furnishings enhance the exquisite diamonds and flash intensity.
There will be time to do: If you need to order a wedding, it is advisable to 9 months to prepare, because the design and production is about to take 6 months, coupled with the subtleties of the sufficient amount of time that is necessary.
Luxury tailor-made tailoring


Elegant bride makeup the most obvious detail: the neck

Beautiful neck skin, require special care to protect and care for, and correct maintenance care to pay particular attention to. Because the neck skin is less determined than facial skin skin care rules. Oh, beautiful neck maintenance must form good habits.
1, daily life habits
When the sunlight more strongly, neck rub sunscreen protection; when the winter wind, a cold climate, you should put a scarf round the neck warm and windproof, preventing dry skin. For sensitive skin, do not wear poor permeability of chemical fiber clothing. Good daily habits for bodybuilders have a very important impact in the neck.
2, pillows are there
When you sleep, high pillows neck bent, prone to wrinkles, so relatively flat pillow should be used.
3, neck skin care program
Should be cleaned every day while cleansing the neck, use a gentle facial cleanser to clean; 80% face and neck for a towel to dry, apply lotion with moisturizing effect using neck cream or moisturizing skin cream. Neck is like the face absorbs excessive oil and causing acne, acne, so you can use oil more skin cream. If you are oily skin helper, Jie Shuang balance dry liquid oils and fats can be used on face, neck oil more HIV/AIDS nutrition cream can still be used.